Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Snow, Special Forces and Lost Medical Records

Well to start off everything backwards, it's snowing in Atlanta tonight. I hope it does not prevent us from going to MEPS and shipping out in the morning. My dad is coming in the morning to watch me swear in (and drop off the shoes I ordered two weeks ago that came in 30mins after I left). It won't be the worst thing if we don't ship tomorrow and spend the long weekend in the hotel, there's lots of good football on this weekend and sitting in reception over a four day weekend isn't going to accomplish much.

I rode up from my recruiter station with a guy who enlisted for the SF option.
He's a really great guy and actually worked for me in one of the labs back at the University. He is a lot like I was in my first enlistment, bored with school and not sure what you want to do with everything. I think he'll do well, he's a smart enough guy and in good shape starting off.

So when I got to MEPS this morning it was a bit of a cluster (understatement). They were not real clear on what to do with all the people who were there a day early. We went in with the people who were shipping that day, but we had nothing to do. They were supposed to do a height/weight check and then release us. Of course my medical records couldn't be found. I helped the lady search through the rows of files and nothing turned up. About 4 hours later I asked another man there and we looked through some Army Reserve folders and sure enough mine had been slipped in with the wrong stack. By then it was too late for me to get my Medical Inspect (height/weight) so I sat around for another few hours until we bribed a shuttle driver to take us back to the hotel.

Tomorrow is a big day, and I hope this nights roommate doesn't snore and keep me up all night.

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